
  1. 1.Disclosure Standards and Policy

    Intermestic Inc. discloses information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Tokyo Stock Exchange Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (“timely disclosure rules”) and other guidelines. we promptly discloses information when there are decisions, events and information about results of operations that affect investment decisions by shareholders and other investors and when there is an inquiry from a securities exchange. Information announced at information meetings for earnings announcements, shareholders meetings, shareholder conferences and other events and that is not covered by the timely disclosure rules and other guidelines is also disclosed using the we website or other channels in order to ensure that disclosure activities are adequate and fair.

  2. 2.Disclosure methods

    For the disclosure of information covered by the timely disclosure rules, the information is disclosed in accordance with these rules by providing a preliminary explanation to the Tokyo Stock Exchange and then announcing the information using the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The same information is then promptly posted on the we website. In addition, we uses information meetings, a variety of publications and other methods for the dissemination of information in order to supply information that is easy to understand to as many shareholders and other investors as possible. For information not covered by the timely disclosure rules as well, we exercises care to distribute the information with accuracy and fairness by using suitable methods.

  3. 3.Precautious concerning the use of disclosure materials

    Plans, outlooks, strategies and other items that are not historical facts in we disclosure materials are based on the judgments of management using information that was available at that time. Consequently, investors are cautioned not to rely completely on outlooks for results of operations. Actual performance may differ significantly from outlooks due to a number of significant factors. Items that may have a significant negative impact on results of operations include, but are not limited to, weather (especially cool summer temperatures), contaminants or other problems involving products, a change in the economic climate affecting we’s business operations (especially changes in consumer spending), and the ability to continue to conceive and develop products and services that customers will purchase in a highly competitive market place characterized by preferences that can change quickly.

  4. 4.Precautious concerning the use of the investor relations website

    Although we exercises extreme care when posting information on its IR website, the company does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. For information that must be disclosed in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure rules, this website is only a supplementary disclosure channel. Investors should use the IR website information in conjunction with information announced in accordance with this law and rules in a Securities Report, other business report, TDnet or other channel (link to Tokyo Stock Exchange timely disclosure information browsing service). we and its employees assume no responsibility whatsoever regarding any losses incurred due to the use of information on the IR website. Also, we may revise information on the IR website without prior notice.

  5. 5.Quiet period

    we observes a quiet period for each quarterly financial reporting period that begins on the 16th day of the last month of each quarter and ends on the day results of operations for the quarter are announced. The purpose is to ensure that information is disclosed fairly to shareholders and other investors. During the quiet period we will not make comments or answer questions about results of operations. However, information will be disclosed as needed in accordance with the timely disclosure rules and other guidelines if results of operations are expected to differ significantly from the forecast for the quarter