Information Security Policy

Intermestic Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) considers ensuring of information security to be the one of the most important issues in the normal and smooth operation of its business activities, and to protect customers’ confidential and personal information and our information assets, we shall establish information security basic guidelines which we shall implement and promote as follows.

1. Information Security Management System

The Company shall establish information security management system to ensure appropriate protection and management of information assets.

2. Information Asset Management

The Company, to ensure the confidentiality/integrity/availability of information assets, shall strive to manage them appropriately according to the level of importance and risk.

3. Information Security Initiatives

The Company shall establish regulations describing the requirements for ensuring information security, strive to properly manage information assets, and to ensure that ISMS contributes to the management of the Company, information security objectives shall be set and promote activities to achieve such objectives.

4. Information Security Education/Training

The Company shall continuously educate/train executives and employees in charge of information systems on information security in order to raise awareness on information security and ensure the implementation of regulations.

5. Compliance with Laws, Regulation, etc.

The Company shall comply with laws, other rules and social norms related to information security.

6. Continuous Improvements

The Company shall continuously improve and enhance our efforts to ensure information security.

7. Incident Response System Management and Recurrence Prevention Measures

The Company shall establish a response system to minimize the impact in the event of information security incident. In an unlikely event of an information security incident, we shall respond promptly and work to prevent recurrence.

Intermestic Inc.
President CEO/COO Hiroshi Ueno

Enacted: January 4, 2023

ISO 27001 (ISMS) certified

We have acquired “ISO 27001 (ISMS)” certification, an international standard to manage information security.
We will continue to improve information security measures and strive to further streng then our services so that customers can use our services with peace of mind.

Certification Number
Certification Standard
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014
Registered Organization
Intermestic Inc., IT Digital Promotion Division, System Audit Office
Scope of Certification
Planning, introduction, operation management, development and maintenance of information system and information equipment related to the manufacture and sale of eyeglass lenses, eyeglass frames, sunglasses and accessories.
Certification Body
Japan Quality Assurance Organization